Item #: HC-GO-Single
Our Price: $ 0.69
85 units available


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Saint Maria Goretti Prayer Cards are printed in Italy on heavy paper stock.  These holy cards are available as single pieces or packs of 100

Prayer on the back:

Prayer to Saint Maria Goretti

Heroic and angelic Saint Maria
Goretti, we knee before thee to 
honor thy persevering fortitude and 
to bethy gracious aid.
Teach us a deep love for the 
precepts of our holy Church;
help us to see in them the very voice
of our Father in Heaven. May we
persevere without stain our white 
baptismal robe of innocence.
May we who have lost this 
innocence, kneel humbly in Holy
Penence; and with the absolution
of the priest may the torrent of
Christ's Precious Blood flow into
our souls and give us new courage
to carry the burning light of
God's love through the
dangerous highways of this life
until Christ our King shall call us
to the courts of Heaven.

Feast Day: 6th July