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Item #: HC9-049E
Size: 2.5'' x 4.5''
Our Price: $ 0.99
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St. Maria Goretti is one of the youngest saints to be canonized. She was martyred at the age of 11 after refusing to give up her virginity. Her last words were words of forgiveness to her attacker. This holy child offers a beautiful and pure example of holiness and love of God for us to learn from.

This full color laminated card features a prayer to this brave girl, asking for her intercession and help in living a life of virtue. Made in Italy. Available in singles or bulk packs of 25.

Prayer on the back:

In your virginal countenance we read the strength of your love and the constancy of your fidelity to your Divine Spouse. As His bride, espoused in blood, you have traced in yourself His own image. While we admire your heroism, we are even more desirous of imitating your strength of faith and your inviolate purity of conduct. In you we find a safe refuge, and we trust that we will be protected from dangerous occasions and from sin, so as to walk the highways of life with that serenity and deep joy which are the heritage of those who are Pure of heart. Amen. 

O Saint Maria Goretti, so pure and innocent, you who gave your life for the love of Jesus and to avoid committing sin. You who forgave your attacker and wished him well, guide me every day, protect me, teach me to forgive everyone, and teach me to love Jesus with all my heart. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


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